Imagine if experiencing God became part of your everyday routine. What if you could consistently hear His voice, understand His will, and find comfort in His presence?
Women of Virtue, you are invited to join us Friday and Saturday, September 13th & 14th for a Women's Encounter at Living Faith Christian Center.
This weekend will provide an intimate experience where you can connect with His love, grace, and mercy—discovering and refocusing on God's purpose and direction for your life.
These weekends are specially designed for each of us to step away from the daily demands of life and invest in our spiritual well-being.
Sign up today either online or by completing a form located in the lobby. You do not need to be an LFCC member nor do you want to miss your time with God. The cost is only $25, which includes lunch and all materials.
The last day to registration is Sunday, September 8th. For further details, you may call the church at 856-661-8110 ext. 142.